Entropy in action click pic to see more 'Erratics'
'Erratic'...is the name for a rock left behind by a glacier. In this case whilst one side of nature is clearing the debri from previous volcanic activity. The climate changes and the glacier cannot finish its work.
'Entropy Happens'
Higgs Bosun
Higgs Bosun
The latest thinking about
Higgs Boson is that it is
not a great contributer of
weight. More that the search
for it is a quest for the
Quantum Entaglement
Quantum Entanglement [Q.E.] ?
'Hi Sis. Why did you jump out of the pool so quickly?'
'Same reason as you. My Q.E. detector activated.'
'Yes must have been a sibling from the same batch of eggs.'
'Dead right we need genetic diversity to survive these days.'